Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) for Epilepsy

This program explains vagus nerve stimulation. Vagus Nerve stimulation is also called VNS. The program includes the following sections: what are the vagus nerves, what is vagus nerve stimulation, what are alternative treatments for epilepsy, what happens during vagus nerve stimulation, how do you activate the VNS device, what are the risks and complications of VNS, and what happens after surgery to place a VNS device.
1. | Introduction |
2. | The Vagus Nerves |
3. | Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) |
4. | Alternative Treatments |
5. | Procedure |
6. | Activating the VNS Device |
7. | Risks and Complications |
8. | After Surgery |
9. | Summary |
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